
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Kindfood (/GFV Bakery Co.) NOT Moving to Hamilton

Though it was originally announced that Kindfood (an all vegan cafe and bakery in Burlington) was moving their bakery to Locke Street in Hamilton, they have now officially announced that it is actually opening on Brant St. in Burlington.

It's super official now because it's on a cake. Sigh. Oh Hamilton, someday we will get ourselves an all vegan bakery.  Right?

Animal Sanctuaries Not So Far From Hamilton

This post is focused on sanctuaries mainly for animals that aren’t conventionally seen as “pets” because, while there is a fair bit of attention on saving animals like cats and dogs, often times other animals' welfare is treated as less valuable. That being said, there are a lot of amazing people in the area that commit so much money, time and energy  to create homes for all kinds of animals. If you want to support a sanctuary you can help by donating or volunteering. Many sanctuaries even welcome visitors, so you can have the very rewarding experience of meeting the lucky animals. 

I would love to make this a growing resource so if you know of other animal sanctuaries in the area please let me know!   

But without further a due here is a rough round-up of some animal sanctuaries near Hamilton.
A happy pig in the sun at Ruby Ranch

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The (Vegan!) Hot Dog Season Begins

And thanks to Weenies  Hamilton now has TWO new vegan doggie options: the greenie weenie: marinated tofu served up in a green pepper or a good ol' tofurky sausage (I checked and the buns are vegan too).

Go find that weenie man!

 facebook page

(905) 807-6328

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Love Letter to the HPL

Dear Hamilton public library,

 I adore you for your incredible selection of vegan bookstuffs.

Not only do you have a huge collection of vegan recipe books but you have books on vegan nutrition (Vegan For Life) and the whys (Eating Animals) and hows (Vegan Freak: Being Vegan in a Non-Vegan World) of veganism. You even have some vegan-y movies like Forks Over Knives!

With a title search of "vegan" on the hpl catalogue wielding 89 titles, I'm so glad to know I still have much of you to explore because having a free source of constant inspiration at my fingertips is just peachy.

May your collection of vegan books grow faster than my sandwich sprouts,
Lovingly yours, 

Vegan Hamilton. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Vegan Baksale!

On May 12th (rain date May 19th), with all proceeds going to Snooters animal sanctuary.

 It will be from 10 AM-3 in front of Simply Zen 141 Locke St. South.

Some of the treats from last year to entice you

There will be lots of treats (all vegan) including some raw and gluten free ones. And lemonade! And raffles!

Come drop by, or comment on the facebook event wall if you are willing to help out.