
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Kindfood (/GFV Bakery Co.) NOT Moving to Hamilton

Though it was originally announced that Kindfood (an all vegan cafe and bakery in Burlington) was moving their bakery to Locke Street in Hamilton, they have now officially announced that it is actually opening on Brant St. in Burlington.

It's super official now because it's on a cake. Sigh. Oh Hamilton, someday we will get ourselves an all vegan bakery.  Right?


  1. I have good news! Hamilton now has it's own gluten free vegan bakery! My name is Mickie and I own BakersMan Cupcakery, specializing in artisanal cupcakes and cakes. We do not have a public location yet, as we work out of a private kitchen, but we will soon be working out of The Kitchen Collective on King Street! If you haven't heard of them yet I recommend you check them out! I also blog over at and if you want to learn more about the bakery, please visit

    I stumbled across your blog a few days ago, and I really love it! It's awesome to have this resource for Hamilton vegans! Thank you for your great work. If you would like to get in touch with me please don't hesitate.

